Protection of personal information

Thank you very much for your interest in a job at GLS and your visit to our recruitment site.

We take the protection of your personal information very seriously and strive, in addition to offering you a user-friendly application process, to ensure your rights and personal information. The legal basis for this is primarily the General Data Protection Regulation.

GLS Denmark A/S, CVR no. 10 54 97 44, or GLS Express A/S, CVR no. 14 41 10 02, is the data controller for the information we process in relation to the application process. Below, you can read more about our data processing in connection with the application process.

  • Purpose of information processing

The purpose of processing the information is to fill the advertised position, and the processing is carried out under the General Data Protection Regulation Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b (fulfillment of contract), Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c, and the Data Protection Act Section 11, paragraph 2 (necessary to comply with a legal obligation), and Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f (balancing of interests, as we have a legitimate interest in filling the position with a suitable candidate).

You are neither legally nor contractually obliged to provide your information to us. However, without the information, we cannot contact you and therefore cannot complete the application process. Your information is also necessary for us in connection with the conclusion of an employment contract if you are hired.

  • What data do we register when you visit our recruitment site?

When you visit our recruitment site, some data are automatically recorded. These data are stored in data logs, including:

Your IP address

The website's URL

A description of the type of user agent used (e.g., your web browser)

The website from which you visit our recruitment site

Date and time of your visit

The information is stored for 30 days so that we have information in the event of a possible hacker attack. The legal basis for processing the IP address is the General Data Protection Regulation Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f. We have a legitimate interest in being able to reconstruct the data if necessary.

When you use our recruitment site, cookies are installed on your computer/device.

A cookie is a small text file sent from our recruitment software to your device (e.g., computer, mobile phone, iPad) and stored in the internet browser you use. Cookies store information for a period to recognize the device you are using and your preferences on the recruitment site.

Talentrecruiter uses the following cookies:

  • HRID-0adb2d1c4f9203c9db0ced3becbcd0a2 - Session
  • HRMTS.Authentication.Recruiter - Session
  • HRMTS.Customer.Alias – 1 day
  • HRMTS.Session.Recruiter - Session
  • TR.HRID.Identity – 1 day
  • hjIncludedInPageviewSample – Session
  • What data do we register in connection with your application?

In connection with the application for a position at GLS, you are asked to create a profile on our recruitment site. In this connection, we ask for the following information about you:

  • Email
  • Name
  • Address
  • Mobile number
  • Where you heard/read about the position
  • Your response to whether you want to be considered for other national or international positions within the company.

We only register and use personal information that you voluntarily provide on our recruitment site when creating a profile in connection with the recruitment process, for recruitment purposes. This is done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation Article 6. If, according to § 2 of the law on the use of health information, etc., in the labor market, you provide health information that may be relevant to your ability to work in the specific job, the information is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation Article 9.

Throughout the recruitment process, you have access to your profile and can change or correct the information provided. The first time you apply for a position with us through our recruitment site, you will receive an email with login information for your profile. Please note that you must not share your login information with others.

After creating your profile, you can submit documents for use in the recruitment process with reference to a specific application. Depending on the position and application process, we will process the following documents:

  • Application
  • CV
  • Video application
  • Transcripts
  • Desired position
  • Reference, objective, and subjective information from references (previous and current employers), which you have provided, are only obtained with your consent, pursuant to the Data Protection Act Section 12, paragraph 3. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time. We process the obtained information based on our legitimate interest in objective information about your employment period, tasks, etc., and subjective information about your professional and social skills to assess if you are suitable for the position, according to the General Data Protection Regulation Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f.

Other information you choose to provide us, including, for example, a LinkedIn profile, recommendations from previous employers, etc.

In connection with the application, we may in some cases ask you to fill out a personal profile with an external provider. In this connection, the external provider is independently responsible for data.

If the application process results in employment, we will also ask for the following information:

  • Nationality: If you are not an EU/EEA citizen, you must present a passport and a valid residence permit. This residence permit is stored in a closed system if you are employed.
    If you are not employed, the residence permit is not stored. The legal basis for collection and processing is Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • CPR number
  • Next of kin
  • Information about criminal records (we ask you, if we deem it necessary for the position, for documentation of a clean criminal record. This will generally need to be presented during an interview.)
  • Picture of you
  • Digital signature

If we transfer personal data to recipients in a third country outside the EEA (European Economic Area), the transfer will only take place on the basis of the EU Commission's standard contract clauses or if the EU Commission has decided that the level of protection in the specific third country or international organization is adequate, or if you have given us your consent to transfer the information.

There may be situations where information about specific candidates is transferred to external recruitment firms. These recruitment firms will act as independent data controllers in terms of data protection law and will be contractually obligated to confidentiality.

In the recruitment process, we use various service providers, including providers of IT solutions and electronic signature solutions.

Additionally, we use data from your application process, without your name and without your submitted application documents, to optimize our application process. Using the data, we draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the application process and how we can make the application process even easier and more efficient. The legal basis for this data processing is Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f GDPR. The legitimate interest lies in optimizing the application process.

In the recruitment process, we seek relevant publicly available information on the internet about you, including, for example, LinkedIn, Facebook, and similar social media. Any processing of such information is done based on the General Data Protection Regulation Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f and Article 9, paragraph 2, letter e.

If the recruitment process ends with an employment with GLS, your data, including personal profile, will be transferred to our payroll system, where it will be handled according to applicable rules.

  • How long do we keep your data?

When you apply for a position at GLS, you create an applicant profile that only you have access to change and add to. You can always delete your profile if you are no longer interested in being registered in our system. If your application is submitted correctly, your data will be transferred to your personal applicant profile. If you have been inactive for 4 (four) months, your applicant profile will be automatically deleted. The same applies if you are hired/declined/withdraw your application.

Data from the application process that we use to optimize our internal recruitment flow, for example, to ensure effective use of relevant recruitment channels and appropriate response times, is deleted three years after your application process is completed.

  • What rights do you have when we use your data?

Under data protection rules, you have a number of rights when we process information about you. These rights are:

a) Right to access: You can request access to the personal information we have registered about you under the rules of the right of access.

b) Right to rectification: You have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected.

c) Right to erasure: In certain cases, you may have the right to have information about you deleted before our general deletion deadline occurs.

d) Right to restriction of processing: In certain cases, you may have the right to have the processing of your personal information restricted.

e) Right to object: In certain cases, you may have the right to object to our processing of your personal information.

f) Right to withdraw consent: If you have given consent to the processing of one or more personal information about yourself, you can withdraw your consent at any time under data protection rules. Unless we have another legal basis for processing, we can no longer process the information in question.

g) Right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency: You have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency about our processing of your personal information if you believe that the processing is not in accordance with applicable rules. You can find the contact information for the Danish Data Protection Agency at:

  • Who can you contact if you have questions about your application?

If you have questions about your application, please feel free to contact our recruitment department:

Mette Wienberg, Manager HR, at

  • Who can you contact if you have questions about your rights or wish to exercise these options in the above points a-f regarding the processing of your personal data or regarding data protection?

If you have questions about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data or about data protection, please feel free to contact our legal department:

GLS Denmark A/S

Kokmose 3

6000 Kolding

Data Protection General

Read more about data protection on GLS's website .

Special about residence permits If you are not an EU/EEA citizen, you must present a passport and a valid residence permit. This residence permit is kept in a closed system if you are hired.

If you are not hired, the residence permit is not retained.

The legal basis for obtaining and processing is in Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c of the General Data Protection Regulation.